Employer Training Grant
The B.C. Employer Training Grant program (ETG) supports skills training to address provincial labour market needs. The program is delivered by the Province of British Columbia and is funded by the Government of Canada through the Workforce Development Agreement (WDA).
The goal of the ETG is to help British Columbians access the skills training needed to adapt to the changing requirements of jobs and the labour market while encouraging employer involvement in the training of their employees.
How it Works:
Reimbursement amounts vary between 60% and 100% depending on the training stream.
Training must result in a better job once training is completed.
Employers must submit their application on their own behalf, using their Business BCeID. Third parties cannot apply on an employer’s behalf.
If approved, employers are to pay for all costs in full and, after training has started, submit a reimbursement claim.
Participants are not to pay for training or any training-related expenses. Receipts must verify this information.
Employers are eligible to receive up to $300,000 per fiscal year (April 1 – March 31).
The three streams you can apply under are:
Foundational Training: unemployed, underemployed and low-skilled British Columbians
Technical Skills Training: to train current or new employees in technical skills
Workforce Training: to upgrade employees' skills and develop their workforce
In order to apply for the grant, employers MUST have a Business BCeID Account. Note: It may take up to 3 weeks to receive your BCeID.